[RPG] Can you create an illusion of empty space


I've been thinking of various ways for a crafty Illusionist/Rogue to 'hide in plain sight' by essentially creating the cover that they want to hide behind.

Ideas include things like:

  • Create a wall that is 2.5ft closer than it really is and hide in said space
  • Create some innocuous barrier or container and hide within it
  • Create a 'sheet' that essentially has what an empty room looks like 'painted' on it, so someone walking past an open door would see an empty room.

From different discussions I've had, these all should work, but the one lingering one I have is, what if my illusion is simply 'empty space'?

If I were to create an illusion of empty space and then place myself in it, would I be essentially invisible?

What if I created an illusion that was partially-empty space, like a 5×5 cube of swiss cheese? Would it seem like there was a swiss cheese cube formed around my person or could my 'fake-empty-space-image' fill the holes?

Would my 'empty space' illusion simply need to work like the aforementioned 'sheet of what I expect you to see' in order to function (and thus most likely only work from limited viewing angles)?

Best Answer

It is not possible with minor illusion, as with that

You create a sound or an image of an object (PHB 260)

and neither vacuum, nor air is usually considered an object. (There are discussions about this, looking them up is left to the reader.)

Nor could you use mirage arcane, as that explicitly states, that

The spell doesn't disguise, conceal, or add creatures. (PHB 260)

With silent image and major image there is a hint of possibility:

You create the image of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon (PHB 276, 258)

It comes down to whether that the space inside the illusion is filled with air is a phenomenon. Even if we accept that it is, this illusion has to change relative to the viewer, which would require precise calculations from the caster and would be essentially impossible against more than one observer.

My personal ruling would be that this is an abuse of the spell and not allowed. It is much more streamlined and easier to handle this way. If a PC wants to be invisible, there is already a spell for it and not even that high level.