D&D 5E – Pregnancy Possibility While True Polymorphed


While True Polymorphed, say into a dragon, can you get pregnant? If so, what happens when you revert form? I am a player in a D&D game that wants to know.

Best Answer

A precedent exists for the answer to possibly be 'yes', but this is still very much a case-by-case/DM's choice basis.

The entry on half-dragons in the Monster Manual cites that they come from (in some cases) a coupling between a dragon polymorphed into another form and another creature (presumably one compatible with the polymorphed form). This would imply that, for dragons at least, pregnancy is a possibility and results in a hybrid between their true form and the form of the partner.

It does not delve into the topic of what that pregnancy is like as it shifts between forms, however, so that's up to your DM if you wish to broach that topic with them.