[RPG] Can you have a multi-race character


Can you even mix races in D&D 3.5e? Is it allowed to have a multi-race character?

Best Answer


You can't apply multiple races to one character, except under unusual circumstances where some special feature explicitly says you can.

There are specific races called half-orcs and half-elves, for example (the unsaid other half is human), but you can't just be a "1/4 gnome 1/2 elf 1/4 human."

Of course there are some specialized templates, like half-dragon, all of which have rules of their own you'd need to read and understand and have GM approval to use. Same with using any monster race as a character, those have level adjustments and such - see the SRD section on Monsters as Races.


OK, having said that, from your other question it doesn't appear that you and your players are playing D&D 3.5e using the printed rules pretty much at all. You can't multi-race, you can't be multi-class at level 1 (you take a single class with a single level, unless you're using the Gestalt rules), and so on. Effectively you're playing Calvinball, not D&D.

And that's totally fine. You don't have to use the rules. Sure, let someone be 1/9 a bunch of races, you do you. But if you aren't using the real D&D, then we can't really help you with questions on this site because the only answer is "make it up yourself." We can deal with questions here that:

  1. Use the real rules - which require you to read those rules
  2. Use new house rules you've come up with that you can coherently explain to us

But that's about it. If you are trying to learn the real rules, feel free and ask us about them (but please show research effort by reading them first - you don't seem to have read any of the basic character creation rules given these questions). If you are trying to come up with house rules, we can give you balance feedback but you have to use your words and explain them in full.

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