[RPG] Can you ready actions


I recently learned that you can't ready bonus actions, because you can't ready any action that can normally be performed only on your turn:

A bonus action can be taken only on your turn. You, therefore, can't use Ready with a bonus action.

(from Crawford's official twitter rules channel thingy.)

This official change to the rules confuses me. It seems to say that specifically because you can't use a bonus action out-of-turn, you can't therefore ready it. But you can't use actions or moves out-of-turn either, so the same logic seems to invalidate most use of the ready action, leaving only reactions readyable. (It doesn't reason that you can't ready a bonus action therefore you can't use it out of turn, which would appear consistent with the rules.)

Furthermore, readying reactions is only useful if you want to delay a reaction that normally happens before its trigger so that it instead happens after its trigger, which is both rarely useful and not the sort of thing that fits with most of the official rules-changes/rewrites the design team has poured out thus far.

Are actions or movement normally usable off-turn? Is there any use for Ready beyond reaction timing given this official rules change? Is there a more recent errata overturning this one? What's going on here?

Best Answer

When you "ready an action", you don't actually take your action outside of your turn. You're using your action for the Ready action, and you use it on your turn, potentially along with movement and a bonus action.

What you do later on, when the trigger occurs, is therefore not using your action - it's using a reaction that mimics an action. RAW, the rules use the phrasing "[...] the action you [...] take [...]", but mechanically you're still using your reaction, not your action - you just have all the options you would normally have with an action.

Basically, using Ready, you can turn an action or your movement (both of which would occur on your turn) into a reaction, which can occur outside of your turn (thanks @T.J.L. for the phrasing - that's exactly what I wanted to get across).

Now, Ready states:

[...] First, you decide what perceivable circumstance will trigger your reaction. Then, you choose the action you will take in response to that trigger, or you choose to move up to your speed in response to it. [...]

Hence, the rules allow actions and movement - but not bonus actions.