[RPG] Can you take more than one 5-foot-step using Combat reflexes, Evasive Reflexes and Robilar’s Gambit together, or Shifting Defence by itself


Can you using these three feats, take more then one five foot step per round?

From Robilar's Gambit:

In return, they provoke attacks of opportunity from you each time they swing

From Evasive reflexes:

When an opponent gives you a chance to make an attack of opportunity, you can instead immediately take a 5-foot step.

In RAW you can only make one 5-foot step per turn, this does not specifically state that you can take more but this suggests that you can.

If this combination doesn't, would the stance Shifting Defense from setting sun work?

While you are in this stance, you can make an immediate 5-foot step each time an opponent attacks you. Moving in this manner consumes one of your attacks of opportunity in the current round

Best Answer

Both Evasive Reflexes and shifting defense allow you to take a 5-foot step, period. They let you do that even though it isn’t your turn and you couldn’t otherwise take one. They are each an exception to all kinds of rules around 5-foot steps. Normally you can only make one a turn, but these specifically allow you to take a 5-foot step when you normally couldn’t. So yes, they allow you to take more than one 5-foot step per turn.

Technically, it would prevent you from using your regular 5-foot step on your turn, if you somehow got someone to provoke you during your turn and used Evasive Reflexes or shifting defense without having previously used a 5-foot step. But if you had already used your regular 5-foot step, you’d get a second. And when you use Evasive Reflexes or shifting defense out of turn (as you do 99% of the time), you get a 5-foot step (regardless of any you have previously used during your turn or from previous triggers of Evasive Reflexes or shifting defense), and your ability to use a 5-foot step refreshes on your own turn. So this would rarely come up, and a DM should probably just ignore it and say that the Evasive Reflexes 5-foot step doesn’t count against using a regular 5-foot step.