[RPG] Can you use a magic item for its magical property without the proper proficiency


Can a character have a magic shield and benefit from its magical effect but not its use as a shield when they do not have shield proficiency?

Like wear the shield on their back or something?

If it helps, the item I am thinking about specifically is the Sentinel Shield, which gives advantage on initiative and perception checks.

Best Answer

In the description of the sentinel shield it says "While holding this shield..." (DMG page 199) so you must be holding the shield, not just have it on your back. From a quick glance, many other shields have this condition also.

However, you CAN still use a shield that you aren't proficient with but "you have disadvantage on any ability check, saving throw, or attack roll that involves Strength or Dexterity, and you can’t cast spells" (PHB page 144)