[RPG] cast the “Find Familiar” spell on behalf of another character and would that prevent me from using the find familiar spell on theself


In a game I am about to play, there is a Bard who wants a pet owl. Can I as a warlock cast the find familiar spell on her behalf? I realize it is not a warlock spell, but if I take the Pact of the Tome I can also take the Book of Ancient Secrets eldritch invocation.

If I can cast it on behalf of someone else, can I still use it on myself to create a separate familiar? Or is that off the table as soon as I cast it?

Best Answer

There is no mechanic to "cast a spell on someone else's behalf". As the spellcaster, "you gain the service of a familiar", not someone else.

However, if your Bard can get their hands on a Ring of Spell Storing, you'd be able to help them out.

While wearing this ring, you can cast any spell stored in it. The spell uses the slot level, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell.

So you cast Find Familiar into the ring, and the Bard gets to cast it and have a familiar of their very own. There is nothing stopping you from also casting it yourself to get your own familiar.