[RPG] cast Thunderwave and be at the center of its bottom face, but not be affected by it


Questions like this and this show that you cast Thunderwave as a cube, and you (the point of origin) stand at one of the cube's faces. From the PHB (emphasis mine):

You select a cube's point of origin, which lies anywhere on a face of the cubic effect. […] A cube's point of origin is not included in the cube's area of effect, unless you decide otherwise.


  • I'm on the ground
  • I cast ThunderWave at ground level
  • I choose to be at the center of the cube's bottom face

Can I choose not to be affected by the spell's area of effect?

enter image description here

So I could potentially explode and push 8 creatures away from me, without damaging myself.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, no (with one possible exception).

Although this isn't the place to say perhaps, I think I have a slight contention with the answers to the related questions on whether the caster including themselves in the area of effect, is completely inside the area in the way portrayed. I see this more as just the point of origin affecting the caster (as it says) but not that the entire area of effect has shifted.

Typically this would be so the caster can affect himself with a beneficial effect, which is likely the intention. In other words, the area of effect projects out in front (see the diagram below), but the caster, right on the point of origin, can be affected or not.



Even accepting the ruling given on the previous question, your scenario would only possibly work against larger creatures.

Either you are in the area and hence affected by the spell. Or you are not, which would mean the only way you could be in the center square of a cubic area of effect, yet not affected, would be if the cube was above you (or below you if you were somehow flying?). In this case a DM may rule it would only affect creatures that are taller than you, and tall enough to be affected by the blast that has just gone off above your head.

Nahyn Oklauq points out that it would be possible to lie down and cast Thunderwave from the ground, hence affecting same-sized creatures. This is playing a bit fast and loose with the rules (which are really geared towards a 2D map rather than these kind of 3D shenanigans), so would probably be DM fiat as to whether he would allow it.