[RPG] character build that allows or optimizes using two-handed weapons with one hand


I was recommended to post this here because I didn't realize at the time that I was side tracking from a previous question with a new one.

This is my question and reasoning behind it. Can I use a pair of weapons that are designated as two-handed, using one in each hand, for example, perhaps if I have the dual wielder feat and proficiency with two-handed weapons? Granted, I admittedly do not know much about 5e; I'm running off the ability back in Baldur's Gate that allowed my half-orc to dual-wield warhammers in melee battle. Is this scenario still applicable in 5e or not?

I'm curious because I thought of playing a half-goliath / half-dwarf dual wielding siege axes. I've also considered a half-dwarf / half-giant with the same weapons.

In other words, is there a character build that could make this weapon style work now, like what I did in past editions?

I figured the character race I picked would help mitigate the size and weight problems with these weapons though I'm not sure. But the biggest point was just wondering if this could work and what caveats to expect if a DM would allow it.

My specific question is: Can you wield a two-handed weapon in one hand? If so, can you dual-wield two two-handed weapons, each held in one hand?

Best Answer

One-handing a two-handed weapon is improvising

Two-handed weapons have the two-handed property:

Two-Handed. This weapon requires two hands when you attack with it.

If you are wielding a two-handed weapon in one hand, then it is an improvised weapon. It's up to the DM to provide the stats and properties for such a weapon. Generally a two-handed weapon has a one-handed counterpart, so it's fairly simple:

Often, an improvised weapon is similar to an actual weapon and can be treated as such. For example, a table leg is akin to a club. At the DM's option, a character proficient with a weapon can use a similar object as if it were that weapon and use his or her proficiency bonus.

As such, one-handing a greatsword may yield stats similar to a longsword, perhaps with a smaller damage die due to its unwieldy nature.

Don't forget the Dual Wielder feat

Dual Wielder lets you dual wield bigger weapons than you normally could:

You can use two-weapon fighting even when the one-handed melee weapons you are wielding aren't light.

If your DM lets you, then you can do it

By improvising one-handed grip on two-handed weapons, and using the dual wielder feat, you could dual wield two-handed weapons.

However, be aware that you will be carrying a lot more weight than using more appropriate weapons. Also be aware that your DM may want to give you lower damage die than equivalent weapons - for example instead of having your greatsword deal 1d8 like a longsword when one-handed, have it deal 1d6 since it is difficult to use.

Warhammers can be dual wielded with the dual-wielder feat

Warhammers are 1 handed weapons with the versatile property. If you do not have the feat, you can use light hammers which are 1 handed light weapons.