tools – Finding a Cheat-Proof Online Die Roller


I am looking for an online die roller that works similarly to the following:

  1. The GM provides a string identifier to the player. E.g., "gandalf attacks balrog #12"
  2. The player enters the id on the roller site, which checks it for uniqueness vs the DB, then generates the results, lined to that id.
  3. The GM can check the results by id.

An alternative implementation would be for the GM to request a range of pre-generated ids from the site and hand them out to the players for rolls.
E.g., "please roll 5d8 with id #314159265"

Is there anything similar?

Notes and Clarifications:

As Thales Sarczuk inferred, this is indeed for "play by forum/email" games. The idea is to have "verifiable" rolls, preventing "roll until you you get a good result" scenarios.
However, it will be used on forums that are not gaming-specific so using plugins is not an option.

Thank you!

Best Answer

The website Invisible Castle had this exact functionality, and with this exact purpose in mind. It saved the rolls with tags for character, campaign, etc. You could look up the entire roll history of a player.

However, Invisible Castle seems to have gone down, possibly permanently. The site has apparently changed hands and now tries to install suspicious browser extensions, so links to it have been removed.

Other websites that have similar functionality are Rolz and Unseen Servant.

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