[RPG] Consequences of having half damage on attacks that tie AC as house rule


Typically if an attack roll equals the AC of a target then the attack does normal damage. I quite like the idea of making it a glancing blow, dealing half damage instead, this would help clue the PCs into what the AC of the target roughly is.

My only worry would be that this might create balance issues. I will make sure that the rule is the same for when monsters attack, so it is a general rule "ties do half damage." What would the consequences of this house-rule be?

Best Answer

Combat Would Go Slower

Because the damage being dealt is slightly lower than normal, combat would go slower with this type of house rule.

Which is great if that's something you wish to see happen - combat is a big draw for some players. But it does affect a few other game mechanics too...

Players Will Be Able To Tell Their Opponent's AC

It also means they'll know exactly how high a roll they need to make if they hit the monster's AC - which isn't a huge advantage in a fight, but something they might reasonably be able to figure out in actual combat (how hard it is to hit something, that is).

Higher Damage Characters/Monsters Will Have A Slight Disadvantage

Classes that are proficient in dealing high damage will have a slight disadvantage under these rules - they'll be dealing less damage on average and thus will be slightly less effective at their job.

Higher AC Characters/Monsters Will Have An Advantage

Characters and monsters with high AC will be taking slightly less damage on average, and thus won't go down quite as quickly - they'll be slightly better at their job.

Some Mechanics Will Be Affected

There are already some mechanics that half damage - off the top of my head, Barbarians take half damage to common damage sources when under Rage - so you might have to half the damage twice for a hit that hits AC - in addition to spells which might also do half-damage (and Barbarians who have the Bear Totem class feature) - which complicates things a bit, but not too severely.

Overall, This Isn't A Bad Change

Under this house rule, damage will be done slightly slower and battle will take slightly longer, but high AC characters will feel rewarded for their high AC, so it might be a net benefit.

It also might make some mechanics more difficult to manage, but not impossible and only in rare occasions would it come into play.

So overall it sounds like a good rule for making it feel a bit better for players who just barely missed having their armor deflect a blow, but might slow combat down a little.

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