[RPG] Contacts, and how to use them


I'm starting a 5e shadowrun campaign for the first time and running into some issue with what I've read on how contacts function. Basically, I'm trying to find out how to leverage the contacts of players (equally new to the game as I am) to get the most out of them for both of us. Maybe I'm misreading it and it's really simple.

I've run one session using the run from "Back in Business" to give us all a good feel for how the system works before we dive into some more creative material, but we're all having a little trouble getting a good fix on how to best work the the players' contacts.

Am I as a GM supposed to assign knowledge scores and dice pools to each of their contacts based on general areas of expertise? Whether I do or not, how do I set the thresholds for information or the need to network? How do I best use them? And how do I discourage a technomancer from doing all the digging with sprites and hacking?

Best Answer

Contacts can be many things, for players and GM's. The easiest is to have some basic templates of contacts. Some with very little stats and skills that you use to drop clues/hints or make connections for players.

Other Contact you can flesh out a bit more so you can make a roll to see if they know something or can they repair some specialist piece of equipment, or do they have the street cred to get the item the PC seeks.

Contacts can be used by players to get hold of people or stuff or jobs. It can be used by the GM as plot hooks or twists. And please just because a player has a contact does not mean the contact can or will always help. And maybe sometimes the player have to help the contact too :-)

Contacts can become friends or enemies over time or just stay neutrals.

Your imagination is the only limitation, see how the PC reacts to his contacts, make a note and let that guide how contact feels about the player.