[RPG] Convert a caster level to base attack bonus


Is there any means to use a character's Caster Level as their Base Attack Bonus? Abjurant Champion has a class ability to use your BAB in place of your Caster Level (if higher), I'm looking for something that does that conversion in the other direction.

A permanent effect (such as a class ability or feat) is ideal, but I'm interested in temporary solutions as well. Giving up some caster progression to acquire this is acceptable (including taking some levels in a class with no caster progression, if it provides the ability). Simply taking a class with high BAB is not.

Best Answer

No, but you can fake it

On the surface, there's no way I know of to do this. That said, you can achieve something similar as a Cleric:

Divine Favor

The spell Divine Power makes your BAB your character level, which is pretty similar:

Calling upon the divine power of your patron, you imbue yourself with strength and skill in combat. Your base attack bonus becomes equal to your character level (which may give you additional attacks), you gain a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength, and you gain 1 temporary hit point per caster level.

You'll note that it's not permanent. This is where you have to fake it. The Metamagic feat Persistent Spell (Complete Arcane) makes the duration 24 hours. The cost is very steep, but you can use the feat Divine Metamagic (Complete Divine) to pay for it with turn undead attempts. Do that every day, and it's quasi-permanent.

(Arcane casters have the spell Transformation that does something similar, but can't make it permanent so easily because they can't use Divine Metamagic and it costs them spellcasting while it's active.)

Other then that, there's no real way to do it. The best you can do is take Prestige Classes like Abjurant Champion that grant both full BAB and full caster progression. That won't help your levels already taken, but it gets you a higher than normal BAB without giving much up.

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