[RPG] Do Black Tentacles Bypass DR


The amusing spell Black Tentacles can be a great spell for harassing enemies in a area while your characters get some popcorn and place bets on which monster can escape the swarm of grappling.

The tentacles do 1d6+4 damage when they successfully grapple something, horah… but does this ignore DR?

Normally magical based damage (such as magic missile) ignore DR:
"Spells, spell-like abilities, and energy attacks (even nonmagical fire) ignore damage reduction." but the tentacles are a conjure/creation (much like a monster?) so do they ignore DR?

Best Answer

While Black Tentacles is Conjuration (Creation) it does not actually create a creature. As such, by a strict reading of the rules, Black Tentacles behaves just like any other spell that deals damage on its own. There is nothing in either the Grappling Rules, the DR rules or the Magic rules to change this.

Which would mean it bypasses DR.

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