[RPG] Do people get XP for battles they weren’t in


I'm a real new DM here. If a character does not participate in a battle, do they still get the XP from the fight?

My main issue is that I had a character refuse to participate in a fight due to moral reasons (Let's say they killed an old man). I did not give that player XP for the fight because as he did not participate, I felt that he should not get the XP, though there was bonus XP for RPing. The player argued that everyone should have gotten the exact same XP regardless of what happened. This is my first time doling out XP in any sort of long term campaign, and I wanted to get a second opinion as it were.

DMG, p260 says: Experience points are divided equally between adventurers, which I do, but later on that same page, it says "Typically adventurers earn experience only for encounters they participate in" and while they were mainly talking about absent players I interpreted it as the character must participate to earn xp.

Long story short, it feels a bit weird to give that character the old man murder XP (because he didn't do anything, and because his character was morally against it), but is there enough evidence to say that they should get it regardless of PC participation?

Best Answer

If you don't want to give him "old man murder xp" give him "Roleplaying XP" for sticking to his character's convictions. You can also feel free to adjust this (you are the DM) as you see fit.

For example, for the main group members of my party, I typically give them half xp if they are not present for a session (but their character is there "in game"). Technically speaking, they should either get an equal share or nothing per the rules (depending on if you interpret it as the character being present or the person) but I don't want levels to get too far out of whack and I don't want to penalize people for not being able to make my schedule consistently (one of our players travels for work a lot, and two of the last four sessions just happened to land on those days).