[RPG] Do Power Sources really matter


Other than thematically, does the source of power for a character really make a difference in how they are built? Should I be paying more attention to the character's power sources as I build adventures? I guess I'm confused because frankly some of the sources don't make sense as separate (Primal or Psionics being different from Arcane how?) and I don't see exactly how they lead to different characters. So insight is appreciated.

I'm also curious. Are the differences between Primal, Divine, Arcane and Psionic really just flavors or are they really different "energies." Is there a default dial on this?

Best Answer

If nothing else, it's worth noting that the power source will appear as a keyword on powers. So, Magic Missile has Arcane as a keyword. Similar powers on a Psion would not. If a monster has resistance to Arcane powers, he can resist Magic Missile but not Psionic Missile.

I think they're also useful for lots of other little things. "Only characters with access to the X power source can use this magic item" or "+1d4 vs characters with Primal power source."