[RPG] Do the Beast Sense and Beast Bond spells work on creatures from Conjure Animals


The Beast Sense and Beast Bond spells, as their names imply, require the target to be of type "beast."

Now looking to the Conjure Animals spell, its description says:

You summon fey spirits that take the form of beasts

which makes it sound like they might simply be fey and not really beasts. But then the description goes on to say, of the animals in question:

Each beast is also considered fey

which makes it sound like each animal is first of all beast, and then supplementally "also" a fey.

So which is it? Can Beast Sense and Beast Bond work on these creatures, or not?

Best Answer

Conjure animals creates things that are both beast and fey

You summon fey spirits that take the form of beasts [...]

Choose one of the following for what appears:

  • One beast of challenge rating 2 or lower [...]

Each beast is also considered fey [...]

The spell makes it clear that these are fey spirits taking the form of beasts. Since they are referred to as beasts, they are considered to be beasts. The spell then tells us specifically that they are also considered to be fey. "Also" would be completely nonsensical and unnecessary if the animals were not also beasts.

There are no such things as primary or supplemental creature types. If a creature is described as a certain creature type (or types) it simply is considered to be those types.

Any spells that target beasts and/or fey will work on the creatures

Since beast bond and beast sense both target beasts and the creatures summoned by conjure animals are beasts, then they will both work on them. The fact that the creatures are also considered to be fey has no effect on the situation. In fact, any spell that targets fey will also be able to target the creatures.