[RPG] do to make playing a long D&D session more comfortable


Right now, we play D&D every other Saturday and spend between eight and eleven hours playing in one sitting.

We usually take a break for food, but eat it at the gaming table (Our wives sometimes hang out with us at this point).

The problem is, it's bring your own chair, and the best chair I have for this is a $25 Wal-Mart computer chair that has a low back and hard plastic armrests.

Ideally, I'd like to buy a better chair but right now there's not room for one in the budget.

I've considered wrapping thin pillows around the armrests and I think that's what I'll do. I may couple that with standing up and taking a lap around the table every hour or so.

This got me thinking about all of the other things that go into a gaming session.
I've got this old chair mostly sorted out, but what else can be done to make long D&D sessions more comfortable?

Best Answer

Take breaks. No chair is comfortable for 8-11 hours. We used to do frisbee after big fights. Now it's hacky sack. It doesn't have to be a long break, just enough to get the blood flowing in your legs again.

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