[RPG] Does a Pearl of Power create new slots


The Pearl of Power states

You can use an action to speak its command word and regain one expended spell slot. If the expended slot was of 4th level or higher, the new slot is 3rd level.

I'm a level 7 Wizard, with 1 4th-level slot, and 3 3rd-level slots. I use my 4-th level slot, and use the Pearl of Power. Do I now have 4 3rd-level slots? What happens to this newly created slot on a long rest?

Best Answer

It doesn't create new slots, it restores a used slot, sometimes at a lower level

Pearl of Power states:

You can use an action to speak its command word and regain one expended spell slot.

So you can only regain a slot that has already been used. But:

If the expended slot was of 4th level or higher, the new slot is 3rd level.

So, if you choose to regain a slot above level three, then it is effectively temporarily downgraded to level 3. That means, in your example, if you have cast a fourth level spell and no other spells, that temporarily you would have four level three slots and no level four slot.

What happens when you take a long rest?

After you take a long rest, all of your normal spell slots return (in your example, this would be 1 at 4th level and 1 at 3rd level). The extra 3rd-level slot you had created with the Pearl of Power has simply reverted to 4th level - as it was previously. This slot has not been 'lost' as at no point had you created an additional new slot, you'd simply refilled an empty one.

Using the Pearl of Power may have temporarily changed your build slightly but you never gained anything better than what you had in your original build - what you did temporarily gain was always equivalent to, or worse than, what you started with. So there'd be no benefit to this persisting through a long rest, and potentially a considerable cost (i.e. losing a stronger slot in lieu of gaining an extra weaker slot).