[RPG] Does a polymorphed creature remember who his friends are


The polymorph spell states, in part:

The target’s game statistics, including mental ability scores, are
replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. It retains its
alignment and personality.

Does retaining its personality suffice to let it remember who its allies are? Even if transformed into something stupid like a T-rex? What does it even mean for a beast with Int 2 to have someone's "personality"?

Best Answer

The target quite definitely remembers who its allies are. For contrast, the Feeblemind spell reduces Intelligence to 1, and explicitly states that they still remember who their friends are and will fight to defend them. In general, animals tend to know who their friends are, sometimes more reliably than humans.

As for what it means for a beast with Int 2 to have someone's personality, that's more of a roleplaying issue which is difficult to define. I'd suggest thinking about the animals you are familiar with and how they express their personalities despite their lack of intelligence. I think most dog or cat owners would agree that animals have distinct personalities which can be very visible.

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