[RPG] Does a wizard need their hands free in order to cause their familiar from the Find Familiar spell to reappear


Recently, in the first session of a new campaign, my level 1 wizard found himself held captive with his hands and feet tied by rope. The DM made it clear that I could not cast spells/cantrips that required a Somatic component.

However, my familiar was already summoned and was temporarily dismissed using the action specified in the find familiar spell (PHB pg. 240). I wanted to have my familiar reappear within 30 ft. of me as per the reappear action specified in this spell (I wanted it to help me get out of my binds). The DM told me that since the ritual/spell required somatic components, and even though I wasn't casting it again, if I wanted my familiar to reappear I would need to be able to make a somatic movement (thus I could not make my familiar reappear and help).

Does using the reappear action in find familiar require the use of my hands, or is it purely telepathic?

One of my primary reasons for picking find familiar as a spell was its ability to help escapes by reappearing and disappearing, which is a lot less doable if it requires somatic movement.

Best Answer

Find Familiar

As an action while it is temporarily dismissed, you can cause it to reappear in any unoccupied space within 30 feet of you.

This is not casting the spell and so any restriction on Components you can currently use is not relevant.

All this says is that causing your familiar to reappear take your action for the turn in which you do it. As written, it does not require you to do anything in particular so if you are able to take your action (i.e. you are not Incapacitated) you should be able to do this.

However, if your DM wants to impose limits on this beyond what is in the spell description, that is their prerogative.