[RPG] Does an arrow in an invisible creature allow you to see creature for Magic Missle attack


Dnd 5e Magic Missle requires you to be able to see the target.
PHB, pg 257 "Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within range."

Therefore you can't target an invisible creature with magic missile even if you know the spot they occupy, since you can't actually see them.

But what if they had an arrow sticking in them? Or a blanket thrown over them. Does that allow the Wizard to "see" the creature in order to use Magic Missle?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, you still can't see "the target"

What you see are effects the target has on the environment. But just because you see an arrow, doesn't mean you know where center mass is. They could be just holding the arrow off to the side; literally an arms length away from what you're trying to hit.

So you would only be able to target the arrow (or rug, or whatever device you're using to track them), but Magic Missile only hits creatures, not objects, meaning you're out of luck.

However as covered in this question, there are other spells that allow you make ranged spell attacks, but at disadvantage.