[RPG] Does caster level always increase the number of scaling spells’ damage dice


I've always thought that increased caster level (ex. by spell specialization) increased the effective number of scaling spells' damage dice, too.

Fireball's description: "deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 10d6)". If I'm level 8 with spell specialization on fireball, how many dice should I roll, 8 or 10? I'm not sure if caster level affects dices, too.

Some DM told me it does, while others told me that it's completely wrong.
Does anyone have an official source on this?

Best Answer

The benefit of the feat Spell Specialization, in part, says, "Treat your caster level as being two higher for all level-variable effects of the spell." One of the level-variable effects of the spell fireball (and many others spells like lightning bolt, polar ray, and even disintegrate) is its damage, so this GM would rule that a level 8 caster that takes the feat Spell Specialization (fireball) typically rolls 10d6 points of damage for his fireball spells and increase the spell's range.

Unlike a general increase in caster level like from an ioun stone (orange prism), this GM wouldn't allow the feat Spell Specialization (fireball) to help the possessor's chances of, for example, his fireball spells overcoming spell resistance, as that's a function of caster level not the spell.

However, the feat's unmentioned by the Ultimate Magic FAQ. Further, the term level-variable is unique to the feat Spell Specialization, and creative director James Jacobs even dodges a question about what the term means in this 2014 Paizo message board post. With the mystery surrounding the term, it's unsurprising that different GMs read the feat's effects in different ways.