[RPG] Does Commander’s Strike reset Reaction


  1. You can only use 1 reaction until the start of your next turn.
  2. You can only use Sneak Attack once per turn.

  3. Sneak attack's benefit is more damage.

  4. Reaction's benefit is an extra strike/move while is not your turn.

Therefore, aren't both of them "Turn based benefits"? You can only do them once per turn, and they benefit you in some way.

Using Commander's Strike I can direct my rogue to use her Reaction to Sneak attack again.

This effectively gives your ally a chance to attack on your turn, which allow for use of any turn-based benefits including Sneak Attack.

(emphasis mine)

So my question is:
If she has already used her Reaction and I use Commander's Strike, shouldn't she be able to use it again?

I clearly want it to be so, but what is the truth?

Best Answer

No, it doesn't give your ally another Reaction. What you've quoted is a clarification (apparently written by someone on a wiki somewhere) of the last sentence of Commander's Strike. It's not the actual rule to follow. To use Commander's Strike, your ally has to follow this sentence:

That creature can immediately use its reaction to make one weapon attack, adding the superiority die to the attack's damage roll.

That's all it does: it lets your ally attack.

The only reason that Sneak Attack is mentioned is because Sneak Attack can only be done once per turn (not per round — per turn). Since an attack on your turn is a different turn from the perspective of your rogue ally, they can apply Sneak Attack damage to this new single attack.

A single attack doesn't give a new Reaction, unlike how it allows a new Sneak Attack bonus. Nor are Reactions “turn benefits”. Instead, Reactions are a type of action, which are limited per round to 1 for each character. In other words, a character can take as many Reactions as they want, so long as 1) they have an ability to use that counts as a Reaction, and 2) they don't exceed the round limit for Reactions (which is almost always 1).

Getting another attack on someone else's turn doesn't increase your ally's Reaction limit.