[RPG] Does Data Trails fix any of the broken parts of SR5 decking


There's a lot wrong with the Matrix chapter in SR5. Many things are too vague, some things are simply omitted, some things don't work in ways any slightly familiar with computing can understand, and basically there's a LOT of frustration in running a decker or Technomancer in SR5, to the point that I won't run the game with those characters anymore.

I noticed recently that the Data Trails book has been finally been released, which I was looking forward to very much before I became jaded with SR5's Matrix woes. Does Data Trails do anything to improve the state of the Matrix rules, or does it just pile new options onto a wobbly base? Part of me really wants to buy it, but I have basically zero confidence that it will ever see use at my tables.

In particular, does it answer these questions:

There are certainly more questions I have, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head (and with the help of the Similar Questions sidebar).

Best Answer


A small number of new options are added (~20 pages worth) and a lot of super hazy talking is done about the matrix with lots of 'kewl' formatting and fiction inserts, none of which is above the level of 'getting together with your gaming friends and kibbitzing over a few beers'.

It is not a product which clarifies the matrix rules in any manner. If you want to run things with matrix stuff in sr5, my advice is to simply create a houserules document answering those questions for your group. It's sub-par, but it's what you will get for the foreseeable future.

I very much doubt any future products made by Catalyst will have clearer matrix rules or a clearer view of what the matrix is.

Additionally, you'll find that for anything but the most min/maxed characters, the dice pools and amount of rolling will result in dead deckers or defeated hacks far more often than not. Rewriting portions of the matrix chapter to more accurately reflect the hacking dice pools you expect in your game will likely solve many of the difficulties you are having.