[RPG] Does Demoralizing an opponent with the Intimidate skill provoke an attack of opportunity


According to RAW, using a skill that takes an action "usually" provokes an attack of opportunity.

I didn't find much in the skills section as to which skills provoke an AoO and which ones don't.

I'm particularly curious about Intimidate though. When used to Demoralize an opponent who is next to you, would you provoke an AoO from that opponent, or other nearby opponents?

Best Answer

Using Intimidate to Demoralize does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

The rules don't come out and say that sentence directly, but there are a few facts that make me think that Demoralize doesn't provoke.

  1. Feint doesn't provoke. The rules say very specifically that the Feint action does not provoke an attack of opportunity. I feel that Feint and Demoralize are very similar; they are combat specific options used for charisma based skills. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me for Demoralize to provoke when Feint doesn't.

  2. Demoralize is clearly intended to be used in combat, and doesn't say that it provokes. It makes sense for Disable Device, or Disguise, or Sleight of Hand to not mention whether or not they provoke attacks of opportunity, since they aren't skills that are typically used in combat. The "usually" listed on the table for skill use is there to say that anything that isn't already a combat action should provoke attacks. Since Demoralize is only really useful in combat, it would say that it provoked an attack if it did.

  3. It would make Demoralize super crappy. If Demoralize provoked an attack of opportunity, then it would make an already sup-par option even worse. This is admittedly the weakest of my arguments, but it's still a valid one.