Dnd-5e – How to Detect Invisible Sensor from Scrying Spell with Detect Magic


I'm planning on having the BBEG of my campaign cast Scrying on the PCs. Some of them have access to Detect Magic.

If he scrys on them while they're using Detect Magic, will they be able to see the invisible sensor from scrying, or otherwise detect a divination aura?

Best Answer

Yes, the Scrying sensor can be sensed with Detect Magic


"...The spell creates an invisible sensor within 10ft of the target. A creature that can see invisible objects sees the sensor as a luminous orb..."

Detect Magic

"...you sense the presence of magic within 30ft of you. ...you can use your action to see a faint aura around any visible creature or object that bears magic, and you learn its school of magic, if any..."

With this being said, I think how 'Detect Magic' works with 'Scrying' is up to interpretation. Detect Magic says you can sense the presence of magic; but that doesn't let you see the invisible 'Scrying' sensor unless you have other senses that allow you to see invisible things. Secondly, you can only use your action to see a faint aura around the sensor if it's visible to you; which the 'Scrying' sensor is not without the aforementioned ability to see invisible things.

I'm curious if you would still learn the school of magic as per the last line of the first paragraph of Detect Magic without visibly seeing the object or if that is an 'in addition to' clause and you always learn the school of magic even if you don't use your action to see the aura around it.

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