[RPG] Does Dispel Magic end the spell for everyone affected or just the target


An opposing Cleric casts Bless on 3 of its allies who then immediately move around the battlefield to start attacking. Concerned that the buff will create an issue, I cast Dispel Magic on the nearest one.

As the target spell is 3rd level or lower, the dispel succeeds automatically.

My question is, does this end the spell for all 3 of the initial targets, or just the one that I targeted?

Best Answer

The spell only ends for the target of the dispel magic spell

This was clarified in the June 2016 Rules Answers article, later included on page 14 of the 2016 Sage Advice Compendium, and can be found here on D&D Beyond:

If dispel magic targets the magical effect from bless cast by a cleric, does it remove the effect on all the targets? Dispel magic ends a spell on one target. It doesn’t end the same spell on other targets.