[RPG] Does forcing a Vampire indoors count as an invitation


On page 297 of the Monster Manual under the Vampire's Vampire Weaknesses section, it says:

Forbiddance. The vampire can't enter a residence without an invitation from one of the occupants.

If a player were to force a vampire into a residence purposefully (ie grapple and drag in), would this be an invitation? Would it also matter if the player was not an occupant previously and forced him in? Also, if it was accidental (ie they fell from a rooftop through a skylight while grappled), how would that count?

(I'm DMing Curse of Strahd soon so I'm trying to figure everything out about vampires for it.)

Best Answer

Easy bit first ...

Forbiddance. The vampire can't enter a residence without an invitation from one of the occupants.

The vampire can't - other people or circumstances can force a vampire inside. This is allowed because it is not the vampire that is doing it.

Further, once in, there is no obligation on the vampire to leave but if it does it cannot voluntarily re-enter without an invitation.

Now for the tricky bit ...

occupant [2]: one who occupies a particular place; especially : resident

Vampires are not barred from entering non-residences like shops, warehouses, taverns and inns (but private rooms in an inn may be a residence). Given that the occupant described is specifically the occupant of a residence it seems reasonable to restrict the definition to those people who are (or are legitimately acting on behalf of) a resident of the particular residence concerned.

If the character owns or leases the house then they can issue the invitation. Similarly, if they are a guest of the resident they should be able to issue the invitation. However, if they themselves are breaking and entering then they cannot issue the invitation.

invitation [1a]: the act of inviting

intive/inviting [2a]: to request the presence or participation of

Saying "come in" is an invitation. Sending a gilt-embossed party invitation is an invitation.

Grabbing someone by the ear and dragging them inside is also a (very rude) invitation. Indeed, it is an invitation that won't take no for an answer.