[RPG] Does interrupting sleep to keep watch prevent any healing at all


I know that if you sleep for a full night, you heal 1 point per character level, and 1 point of ability damage per night.

If you have to keep watch at some point during the night, but get 8 hours of sleep total (let's say four hours of sleep, then two hours of watch, then four more hours of sleep), does your character heal at all?

We're especially concerned about the ability damage; −4 to Dex right now. We just reached level 4, and we're also in the lower power tier. (Bard, Paladin, Rogue, Barbarian, Warlock, Swashbuckler). Trying to sleep that damage off!

Best Answer

"Natural healing" refers to hit points, RAW is not perfectly clear, but keeping watch rather prevents healing HP.

Meanwhile, for ability damage:

SRD conditions - ability damaged

Lost points return at a rate of 1 per day unless noted otherwise by the condition dealing the damage.

SRD special abilities - ability damage

Points lost to ability damage return at the rate of 1 point per day (or double that if the character gets complete bed rest) to each damaged ability

So it seems that while it's debatable whether you'd recover two ability damage points per day while keeping watch (RAW doesn't support that, but as a houserule we require only spellcasters to sleep, keeping watch is not significant interruption for other characters), you should be able to recover one point per day no matter what.

See also Faster Healing feat in Complete Warrior for some interesting interpretation (?) of SRD rules (it’s in a table, p. 99, so treat accordingly). The feat description introduces three categories of activity that influence natural healing (both hp and ability damage):

  • Strenuous activity (healing 0 hp and 0 ability damage per day)
  • Light activity (healing 1/level and 1)
  • Complete bed rest (healing 1.5/level and 2)

“Strenuous activity” is not defined, but I’d guess keeping watch should be rather light…