[RPG] Does mirror image copy pre-existing conditions


We had a situation that arose in-game that the rules were non-specific on.

My players were forced to duel each other in an arena, and the Ranger hit the Sorcerer with ensnaring strike. Afterwards, the sorcerer used his sorcery points to cast mirror image as a subtle spell.

The problem was, does he make three copies of himself that look ensnared? Or do they simply stand there, stuck mimicking his non-movement, but without the entangling vines? The concern was that he makes three copies without snares, and the ranger could find the real sorcerer.

Best Answer

Mirror Image says:

Until the spell ends, the duplicates move with you and mimic your actions, shifting position so it’s impossible to track which image is real.

Ensnaring Strike says:

... or be restrained by the magical vines until the spell ends.

Restrained says:

  • A restrained creature’s speed becomes 0, and it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed.
  • Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s attack rolls have disadvantage.
  • The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.

And Movement and Position says:

On your turn, you can move a distance up to your speed.


  1. Nothing in Ensnaring Strike stops you from moving around — it just stops you from moving away from where you are. You can thrash around to break free, cast spells with somatic components, roll out of the way of a fireball (with disadvantage), attack, use a bow and your mirror images will do the same — you just can't move any significant distance from where you are.
  2. Notwithstanding, it’s impossible to track which image is real. So even if you had the far more onerous conditions of paralysed, petrified, unconscious or even dead — the illusion means that it is impossible to target you rather than an image. That is the mechanical effect of the illusion, as to what it looks like, clearly it needs to incorporate whatever necessary to perpetuate the illusion. If you are wrapped in vines, they are wrapped in vines; if you are wounded, they are wounded, if you are wearing pink pyjamas with blue spots, etc., etc.
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