[RPG] Does ongoing damage from the same repeated attack stack


The question is simple but I can't find an answer anywhere:

  1. If a creature hits one PC twice with the same attack that inflicts ongoing damage (save ends), does the ongoing damage stack?

    1a) If so, does it require a save for each stack?

  2. If two identical creatures hit one PC with the same attack that inflicts ongoing damage (save ends), does the ongoing damage stack?

    2a) If so, does it require a save for each stack?

Best Answer

  1. No. You take the maximum ongoing damage of a specific type. If you have 5 fire ongoing and you are hit with another attack that deals 5 fire ongoing then you stay at 5. If you get hit with an attack that deals 10 fire damage then you go to 10 fire damage.

    a. Yes. You must save against each instance of the ongoing damage. Provided they are not identical.

  2. No. see answer 1. If the attacks deal the same kind of damage it does not stack. If they deal different kinds of damage then they would stack.

    a. No. identical effects are ignored.

Side note, it is always a good idea to try to save, even if you miss the first save as it will be easier to remove the total effect from your character if there are fewer of the same type of thing affecting it.

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