[RPG] Does The Amazing Lightspeed Grapple Relay work, RAW


Inspired by Does The Amazing Lightspeed Horse work, RAW? I thought up a different exploit and I hope someone can find a RAW flaw in it.

N Medium humanoids have gathered on an arbitrarily long field, standing in a line with each creature 10 feet away from each of its neighbors. An incapacitated medium creature is at one end, adjacent to the first creature. The creatures are arranged in initiative order, such that all N creatures will act in the order of their position in a single melee round.

The first creature grapples the incapacitated creature and drags it towards the next creature. That creature then grapples it and moves it towards the next creature, etc.

Bonus points if the creature is tiny and you can move at normal speed, or if you have rogues/monks who can bonus action dash.

I really hope there is a flaw in this logic, but I'm afraid it's just a symptom of using turn-based combat to simulate real-time combat.

While the odds of it being used like this are rare, and DnD admits their rules don't work well for large-scale combat, it does come up when a player is unconscious. Even 2 or 3 other players relaying them to safety can make a big difference. I'm generally okay with that, though it does feel somewhat absurd.

Best Answer

Technically this works

It is an artificial, contrieved situation and seems to not serve a practical purpose, but by the simplifying mechanics of the rules there is no limit to the number of reactions, and this can work.

It is quite possible that your DM will decide to rule otherwise, because it produces an outcome that contradicts common sense.

See also: Are there any limitations on the length of a chain of actions?