DnD 3.5e – Does Caster Know When Variable Duration Spell Ends?


Does the caster know when a spell with a variable duration ends?

I'm looking for a RAW answer (answers based on Pathfinder or D&D 3.0 are ok if there is no info on this in D&D 3.5); I haven't found one here, nor in the rules.

For example, time stop has a duration of 1d4+1 rounds.

  • Does the character only know that he has between 2 and 5 rounds?
  • Does he know exactly how long he has, since the spell affects himself
    (i.e. if he rolled a 1, he knows he has 2 rounds)?

What about color spray, since it is cast on another person?

If there is no such info, how should I handle this as a GM?

Best Answer

As I was still searching for the answer I found this:

Timed Durations

Many durations are measured in rounds, minutes, hours, or some other increment. When the time is up, the magic goes away and the spell ends. If a spell’s duration is variable the duration is rolled secretly (the caster doesn’t know how long the spell will last).

In the SRD

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