[RPG] Does the Dueling fighting style work with versatile weapons while wielding them with two hands


The Dueling fighting style states that:

When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

I know that the versatile property doesn't disqualify it as it's not two-handed, but what about the "in one hand" part of the feat? Would you be able to wield a versatile weapon with two hands and still gain the benefits from Dueling?

Best Answer

When you are wielding a versatile weapon with two hands, you are not wielding it with one hand.

The text of Dueling states that it applies when you are wielding a melee weapon with one hand. Therefore, it does not apply when you are wielding it with two hands.

This is also confirmed by a tweet by rules designer Jeremy Crawford from April 2018 (though those are no longer official):

planning on making a Samurai Fighter. Does the Dueling fighting style work for versatile weapons like a longsword?

The Dueling fighting style works with a versatile weapon only when you attack with it using one hand.