[RPG] Does the Robe of Stars’s ability to enter the Astral Plane with “everything you are […] carrying” let you do so with a grappled creature


One of my Players has the Robe of Stars. Can he, for example, put a rabbit in his bag and take it with him to the Astral Plane, because he carries it in his bag?

I would think not, but I am not sure. The description of the Robe of Stars states (emphasis mine):

While you wear the robe, you can use an action to enter the Astral Plane along with everything you are wearing and carrying.

The phrase “everything you are wearing and carrying” is confusing and doesn't really make it clear regarding whether it just means objects, or creatures as well.

And if he could take creatures with him, could he grapple someone and also take that creature with him because he is technically carrying/grappling this creature?
For example, say a goliath grapples a goblin, then activates the Robe. Would the goblin teleport with him?

Best Answer

Yes, the goblin would teleport with him.

The magic item says that it brings along everything you're wearing or carrying, without specifying objects or creatures, so presumably it would refer to both, so that it can properly affect everything you're wearing or carrying.

This wouldn't let you bring someone along by holding their hand or grappling them, but if you hoist them over your shoulder in a fireman carry before activating the item, that'd count. Remember, the carrying capacity in 5e is by default 15 × your Strength score in pounds, so a PC with Strength 10 would likely be able to pick up and carry another person.