[RPG] Does this character concept involving never taking a long rest and converting spell slots to sorcery points (aka coffeelock) violate RAW


Does the following, very cheesy character concept, violate any RAW? Please cite rules or official rulings in your answer. (Apart from RAW, I expect my DM to disallow or limit the concept, in the interest of balance. That is not part of my question.)

Elf. Multiclass: Sorcerer 2+ / Warlock 1+ / Bard 1

  • Never takes a long rest. Ever. See question, Must 5e elves take a long rest? Specifically, whether adventuring or not, she makes sure that every 8 hour block includes more than 2 hours of combat or strenuous activity, to ensure that no interpretation of long rest rules would allow a long rest to be automatically triggered.
  • Converts warlock spell slots into sorcery points. See @JeremyECrawford's tweet.
  • Converts sorcery points into sorcery spell slots (or into spellcasting spell slots, once also multiclassing Bard) via Flexible Casting
  • Spell slots created from sorcery points disappear upon long rest, as per Flexible Casting and a tweet from @JeremyECrawford; therefore these created spell slots will not disappear until used, e.g. for a character taking no long rests
  • Spell slots created from sorcery points are in addition to, and not restoration of the sorcerer's spell slots which refresh on a long rest. This is not 100% clear from RAW or clarifications. But:
    (a) Flexible Casting uses the phrase, "additional Spell Slots";
    (b) the rule stating that created spell slots disappear on long rests is superfluous if created spell slots can only replace expended spell slots — to have meaning it must be possible to create spell slots which are not replacements;
    (c) flexible casting does not use the word "recover", which is the word used for wizards' Arcane Recovery
  • Restores warlock spell slots on a short rest, and repeats the cycle above, converting warlock spell slots to sorcery points to sorcerer (or spellcasting) spell slots
  • During periods of downtime, takes as many short rests per day as permissible, to build up a stockpile of created sorcerer spell slots
  • Stockpiling requires using bonus actions out of combat, discussed elsewhere
  • Stockpiling requires having short rests on downtime days, discussed in a comment below
  • While adventuring, during combat, uses created spell slots to cast spells, and/or uses flexible casting to convert those spell slots back into sorcery points
  • While adventuring, after combat, will use created spell slots with Bard spells to restore hits points, since restoring hit points via long rest is unavailable, and via hit dice is mostly unavailable

I'm pretty sure this is not RAI, but does it violate RAW in some way?

Best Answer

The big issue with this seems to rely on being able to stockpile spell slots through short rests during downtime. Unfortunately, in the Resting rules (page 67 of the basic rules), it states:

Adventurers can take short rests in the midst of an adventuring day and a long rest to end the day.

This leads me to believe that RAW, characters cannot take short rests during Downtime days and so the theoretical character has no chance to stockpile spell slots.