[RPG] Druid (Sentinel) Animal Companion Armor


I am new to D&D and I am looking to start. I would like to start a Druid(Sentinel) from Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms whose animal companion is a bear.

My Druid would dislike his animal companion getting hurt, so would it be possible to get armor for my bear?

Best Answer

There are a number of items that fit into a "Companion" item slot. You can see a listing of them by checking the online compendium, selecting Items and then in the drop down below selecting "Companions" and hitting "Filter". They start at L4 and my understanding is that they are designed for beast companions. This is not exactly armor, however there are items that do improve their defenses. Specifically, Companion's DefenderDDI.

Honestly if your Druid is concerned about getting his beast companion hurt he might want to consider a profession besides adventuring. It tends to be a dangerous line of work.

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