[RPG] Elven Wizard Generalist number of new spells per level


The Elven Wizard 1st level Racial Substitution 'Generalist Wizardy' (Races of the Wild) says:

At each new wizard level, she gains one extra spell of any spell level that
she can cast.

which one of my players has found ambiguous. It could either mean: 1. one extra spell of [every] spell level castable or 2. one extra spell of any [one] spell level castable.

How many new spells should an Elven Generalist Wizard gain at first, second and third character levels?

Best Answer

The "any" is used to denote a choice, rather than inclusion. That is, your second reading is correct - it's any one level.

This is not necessarily clear from the sentence in the Elven Generalist Wizard description on its own, but it does become so when viewed in context with the rest of the system. Notice, for example, that this is the same language used by the Wizard class itself:

At each new wizard level, she gains two new spells of any spell level or levels that she can cast (based on her new wizard level) for her spellbook.

Here, the "spell level or levels" part makes it clear that the total number of spells gained is two. (Side note: This is generally not contested, see for example that the entirety of this question takes it for granted.) The wording in Races of the Wild is the same, only the lack of pluralization hides the context. Nevertheless, the context exists, and can lead us to the correct reading.

It also happens that this is the far more balanced result.

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