[RPG] find the highest CR Vampire ever in an official adventure module


Where can I find the highest-CR pre-built Vampire opponent in all of Dungeon & Dragons 3e and 3.5 (as that is my favored system) or Pathfinder?

I am looking for official adventure modules and campaign settings that have pre-generated enemies, and that have a single vampire higher than the one written for Heart of Nightfang Spire, which is CR 15.

Best Answer

Quick Silver Hourglass is an epic 3.5 adventure in Dungeon Magazine Issue 123 by Anson Caralya. It has in it the vampire sorcerer Baucojin, known as the "Crimson Eclipse", CR 31 vampire (male human vampire sorcerer 29), and member of the Union of Eclipses!

An actual play gives a good overview of the adventure.