[RPG] For the 5th edition, what Eberron-like official settings exist


I want to set my campaign in a fantasy world with these attributes:

  • high-level magic is nearly impossible and very rare
  • on the other hand, low-level everyday magic is common and well-known
  • non-mages can use magic my means of devices, not artifacts
  • these devices are steampunk-ish clockworks, driven by mystical energy

Does any official setting suit? I was thinking about Eberron, but it seems there are no related products for 5e.

Best Answer

You don't have to wait for WotC to publish an Eberron adventurer’s guide (Five Nations Adventurer’s Guide, if you will) as they’ve done for Sword Coast, to play an Eberron game in 5e.

Just run 5e in Eberron, and have the world behave how you envisage. You may want to stop at level progression at around 10th level (or whenever you decide that the spells are too high level now).