[RPG] formula or method of planning a flexible homebrew campaign or session


Whenever I'm planning a session for my campaign I tend to prepare a very strict plot. It makes me feel comfortable, and though you can never feel entirely ready; it makes me feel somewhat ready to play when I have a plan.

If the players go off the pre-planned path it really messes me up.

Is there a specific planning process or formula that most DMs use in planning a session? Put another way: is there a way to plan a session, that is flexible to what the players do?

Is there a formula (or something similar) that most DMs use?

Best Answer

Don’t prep plots, prep situations.

I will only be parroting that excellent post by The Alexandrian.

In short, you should not prepare a sequence of events that your players should follow, but you should prepare the environment, the actors, what they are planning to do and how, and allow the players to react to the NPC actions and world events, and in turn allow your NPCs and your world to react to the players.

Here’s an analogy: Situation-based design is like handing the players a map and then saying “figure out where you’re going”. Plot-based design, on the other hand, is like handing the players a map on which a specific route has been marked with invisible ink… and then requiring them to follow that invisible path.

Look at the article, it raises a specific comparison of how the two types of preparation compare, argues that situation-based prep is not significantly more work than plot-based prep, and links to other GM guidance items to help in designing robust scenarios.