[RPG] Getting scimitars to be light without losing class levels


I was trying to make a druid/fey bloodrager who wielded dual scimitars. I didn't know how I could get past the extra two weapon penalties for scimitars. So how could I make scimitars light without taking the dervish class?

In response to comments.
I'd prefer it be something part of the character, if that is what "resources" mean in it. also want to be able to get it as early as I could.

Best Answer

There is no good way to have what the book calls a scimitar that is a light weapon.1 Burning feats or taking −2 attack penalties for wielding an undersized scimitar are ridiculously painful for something that should be very simple.

Instead, take the stats of a kukri, call it a “light scimitar,” and you’re good to go.2 The rules of the game never define that the game-item called “kukri” has to look like the real-world weapon by that name.3 It’s just a bundle of stats with a label so it can be conveniently referred to in the rules and can be balanced against other weapons. How your equipment looks, as an extension of how your character looks, is really up to you. And what your character decides to call that item is definitely up to you.

And a kukri is the light version of the scimitar: slashing damage with 18-20/×2 critical threat range. The damage die is slightly smaller (on average, 1 damage point), but aside from this, the weapons are nigh-identical. Losing 1 damage is a lot less costly than any other option available to you.

And there is no good reason why you should have to waste resources on getting to describe your character the way you wish to.

  1. I was mistaken; @Barillas found a pretty solid one in the form of effortless lace, which should cover the requirements for most purposes. Not an intrinsic part of the character, but there don’t appear to be any of those.

  2. This may fail if you have particular feats or class features for what the book calls a scimitar – if you were given a choice, you can always choose what you call a kukri and I call a light scimitar for feats like Weapon Focus (and thus may want to wield two of these light scimitars, rather than a scimitar and a light scimitar), but other options may not give you a choice. In this case, you really do need what the book calls a scimitar unless your DM agrees to change it. I feel that in almost-all cases, a reasonable DM should have no problem with this, but that’s a conversation you’ll have to have.

  3. Though DMs do probably have to draw the line somewhere; saying your kukri looks like, and is called, a light warhammer or something, probably isn’t going to fly, since something that looks like a warhammer shouldn’t be dealing slashing damage. But saying your “kukri” looks like a lighter scimitar is entirely reasonable, seeing as the two weapons are so similar in the first place.