[RPG] Giving Players control of an NPC in combat


I'm a new DM, currently running a game for two friends. Neither of the PCs like one another, but due to story and their stubbornness they ended up with a group of 6 NPCs. Most of the NPC are basically dead-weight, 2 of them are capable fighters.

Battles are often boring because of this; between me managing 1-4 NPCs fighting alongside them and all the creatures they're fighting, the players don't see as much action and I'd like. In story I have a way to get rid of the dead-weight NPCs, and I could ax the competent ones the same way, but I worry the PCs won't stay together in this situation.

The players are reaching level 5 and I was debating as a milestone award giving them access to their closest NPC (1 each) for combat only. Out of combat–in an effort to maintain the players' sense of immersion–I would continue to RP them.

Has anyone tried something like this before? How does it work?

Best Answer

I've done this a lot in the past editions; in our current game our DM has one of us running an NPC.

I've seen it work very well.

Two (possibly three) benefits:

  1. Your players get to try out another class by running the NPC, so make sure the NPC is a different class than the character
  2. Your workload goes down, and your players have to stay busy/engaged to keep up with both characters.
  3. (Maybe) They may start to play better tactically, with more options in the table.


Now and again, since these are NPC's, you have to step in as DM and offer up "your NPC won't do that" when, for example, the player decides that's it's time for the NPC to make a suicide/kamikaze charge into certain death ... (unless you have already determined that the NPC has a death wish ...). You'll also need to fill in various background things that fit into the story that only the NPC's might know.

Since you only have two players, this also allows you to set up encounters closer to the "basic" game design threshold of 4 PC's for the XP budget in the DMG. In time, you can (if the NPC's survive) allow the players to each run 2 PC's. That's going to be something you and the players need to discuss and explore as an option if it arises. (Done that frequently in the past, it can work ... )