[RPG] History of role-playing games


Is there a definitive book (or a website) on the history of role-playing games?

Optimally the book should be reasonably new (so Heroic Worlds doesn't qualify) and cover also non-mainstream games.

Best Answer

Given the nature of the role-playing games industry, the odds of you actually finding a "definitive" history of the genre are roughly equivalent to me finding gold while panning in my bathroom. While there has been an immense amount of material written about role-playing games, both from an insider perspective and an outsider perspective, very little of it in can agree on specific details and even less can agree on specific philosophies or directions.

Surprisingly, Wikipedia has a fairly extensive entry on the history of role-playing games. The section on modern and independent gaming companies and design is woefully inadequate, missing most of the development in non-Forge-born non-GNS independent game design, but at least it keeps most of the narrative straight.

While it's a bit out of date, Dark Shire has a nice explorational piece on the history of role-playing games. Their history ends before the introduction of D&D 4th edition and a lot of modern independent development, but their coverage of the late 90s and early 2000s is fairly complete.

Purely for the sake of completeness and interest, Rob McDougall made a blog entry in early 2007 which talked about some of the early, early evolution of the role-playing game as descendent of the wargame. Interesting reading and Rob is never ashamed of linking to other interesting articles in the field.