[RPG] How do new characters get equipment


Last week I bought the Pathfinder Beginner Box and as the GM I am preparing the first adventure for my friends.
I'm pretty sure they will want to create their own characters instead of using the pre-rolled ones in the box.

I have the french edition so I can't really quote you the rulebook.
Here is what I understand : each character gets a fixed amount of gold (175 for fighter, 140 for cleric, 140 for rogue and 70 for wizard (why so little?))
What about their gear ?
Do they…

  1. get a fixed gear based on their class and I somewhat missed it ?
  2. get a extra gear budget and have to buy their starting gear with it ?
  3. have to buy their starting gear with their starting gold ?

Maybe i should just copy the pre-rolled fighter equipment if they choose fighter, cleric's one if they choose cleric… ?

I'd like, in order of preference, an answer based on :

  • the Beginner Box (in case it's precised in and I missed it)
  • the Core Rulebook
  • your experience

Searching on google I found here that players have to buy their starting equipment (but i don't have the CRB so i'm not sure that's a good fit for me) with their starting gold but where can they buy it ?

Best Answer

#3 - Players typically purchase their starting gear from the gold they are given at first level. The SRD has a great article on character creation, and equipment is under section 8. The gold you have listed is, according to the SRD, actually the average for each class. As a DM, you can choose to give them the average for first level, or make them roll.

It would be good for them to look at the pre-bought sets the describe, so they can understand what's typically needed. Once they get more comfortable, they may branch out according to how they like to play their character.

Of course, as the DM you may overrule this and force them to start with a certain set of items, or give them more gold, etc. Seeing as this is your first time playing, however, I highly suggest sticking to rules as written since this sort of overruling may very well have unintended side effects.

As an aside, wizards get so little at first level because they don't need (and cannot wear) armor, nor do they need expensive weapons like swords and bows.