[RPG] How does a character recover from the dying state on his own


In RAW it's a bit confusing how you go about this if no one is aiding you at all.

It states that a dying character "must make a DC 10 Constitution check to become stable. The character takes a penalty on this roll equal to his negative hit point total." This means adding your CON modifier, negative hit point total, and getting a 10 or higher will stabilize you right?

If I understand this correctly, once stable, after 1 hour, you have to make the DC 10 Constitution check to regain consciousness. Then another DC 10 Constitution check every day after resting to begin recovering hit points naturally

If any of those checks are failed, the character loses 1 hit point, and if they all succeed, then the character begins to recover naturally.

So if everything succeeds then even a character with negative hit points is now healing naturally (with rest) and conscious? Am I understanding this correctly?

Best Answer

So the party left you to die…

A character that has no way to heal himself magically and no one to heal him has a rather complex method to get back to health. It's a little weird, too.

How many hp does the character currently have?

  • If 1 or more, the character is conscious and mobile. The character can recover hp naturally (i.e. 1 hp per level per 8 hours of rest or double that per day of rest).
  • If 0, the character is disabled. if the character's cautious, the character can recover hp naturally (i.e. 1 hp per level per 8 hours of rest or double that per day of rest).
  • If −1 to −(the character's Constitution score −1), the character is dying. At the beginning of the character's turn the character makes a Constitution check (DC 10) with a penalty equal to the character's negative hp.

    • Failure means the character hasn't stabilized and loses 1 hp.
    • Success means the character has stabilized. The character now only has the condition unconscious. At the beginning of each hour of unconsciousness the character makes a Constitution check (DC 10) with a penalty equal to the character's negative hp.
      • Failure means the character loses 1 hp.
      • Success means the character is conscious and mobile. After the character rests for 8 hours, the character makes a Constitution check (DC 10) with a penalty equal to the character's negative hp.
        • Failure means the character loses 1 hp. This does not make him unconscious.
        • Success means the character can recover hp naturally (i.e. 1 hp per level per 8 hours of rest or double that per day of rest).
  • If −(the character's Constitution score) or less, the character is dead.

This explanation assumes the absence of outside influences and was teased from the d20PFSRD section Injury and Death.

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