[RPG] How does an Intelligence penalty affect skill points when character-building/leveling-up


In character-building/leveling-up, you take your class's skill points and add your Int bonus. So a Fighter gets 2 Plus their Int bonus. Say my fighter is really smart(16) he'll get 2+3 (int bonus) or 5 points per level.

But what if my fighter is dumber than a sack hammers? Let's say int 4. He levels up and gets 2+int mod. Int 4 carries a -3. So it's 2+(-3) which equals -1. How does a dumb fighter level up any of their skills if they have negative skill points?

Or is the int bonus only added if it's positive?

Best Answer

Skill points can never go below 1 Per level. From the Pathfinder SRD:


  • The number of skill points gained each level, though your character always gets at least 1 skill point per level.

Edit: I should note that there is also a difference between Ability bonus and ability modifier. Bonus only applies when the attribute is positive, modifier applies regardless. Skill points apply the modifier, per the SRD.