Eclipse Phase – How Does Procreation Work?


How is procreation handled in Eclipse Phase? Given that morphs are highly interchangeable this heavily shifts the normal perception of how passing on your genetics would work. Also can infomorphs reproduce? I realize that right now population wise there are many, many infomorphs sitting in storage so the need for "new" people can be met. However the need to procreate would still have a hold on some portions of transhumanity. It's been awhile since I've read the core rules so I cannot remember if this is addressed there or not.

Best Answer

Greg Egan's Disapora starts with an infomorph's birth (orphanogenesis) if you were interested in reading it. Since bodies are irrelevant, the mix is a set of memories and education. Charles Stross's Accelerando is full of partial forks that get education till they are considered adults and different than the original.

Personally I would say that creating a child is like creating a memoryless fork, with strong characteristics (some random) and merging it with your partner's similar fork. You could add more forks into the mix: presto, you have a new blank ego that given different stimuli from its parents will evolve into something new.

Edit: I guess that this would be a good way to answer the Nature vs Nurture question: Does the nature take precedent or does educations and experiences? Many story ideas are just right there.

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