[RPG] How does the AC bonus from things like Ring or Cloak of Protection work with Touch AC


How does the AC bonus from things like Ring or Cloak of Protection work with Touch AC?

I know that when something targets Touch AC you don't add the AC bonus from Armor or Natural Armor but retain your Dex mod and dodge. Is the AC bonus from Ring of Protection also lost for Touch AC?

I'm asking cause when I look at the Character Sheet I am confused where to put the AC bonus from Ring of Protection. Do I put the AC bonus from Ring of Protection and add it to the armor bonus in AC box or what?

Best Answer

Ring of Protection:

This ring offers continual magical protection in the form of a deflection bonus of +1 to +5 to AC.

Deflection bonus:

A deflection bonus affects armor class and is granted by a spell or magic effect that makes attacks veer off harmlessly. Deflection bonuses stack with all other bonuses to AC except other deflection bonuses. A deflection bonus applies against touch attacks.

"Cloak of Protection" doesn't exist as a stock magic item, so only whoever made it up can say.